The Melitta® Barista SE stands for coffee quality and customised variety. With the preset 18 coffee specialities, the IntenseAroma function and the manually operated two-chamber bean container, every coffee is guaranteed to be to your taste and, thanks to the whisper-quiet grinder, without you having to interrupt your conversation. You can also save the favourite coffee of up to four people - barista quality for your home.
Melitta® Barista SE
The Silent Expert.

Melitta® Barista SE
The Silent Expert.
Added value for you
18 variétés de café
Sélection manuelle des grains de café
Moulin ultra-silencieux
One Touch
Bec verseur tout-en-un
Nettoyage vapeur facile
Système de préparation du lait amovible
Programme de nettoyage et de détartrage automatique